Gorgeous art and a giveaway

Told you I have a surprise for you today, besides sharing a fab site with gorgeous art & photography prints, Arte Limited. A giveaway! 
But first, a little background on Arte Limited, they are an art gallery in Italy that sells exclusive art prints, photographs and contemporary art from international artists. Their mantra is that  modern art should be accessible to all people, so they offer a wide range of artworks at affordable prices. What's that? Yes, they deliver all over the world.
Bellow are a couple of selected works of Caroline Andrieu, one of my favorite artists on Arte Limited. They carry pieces from so many artists that it's hard to choose, I'm enjoying Alberto Seveso's work also, his digital prints are just mesmerizing.

And now for the giveaway, Arte Limited is offering one of you lovely readers, the print you fancy best.
Just visit artelimited.com, pick your favorite piece of art and leave a comment with the link + email address.
The giveaway will end next Thursday. Good luck!

And more gorgeous pieces after the jump 

Alberto Seveso
Amanda Mendiant, Lina Ekstrand & Mette Boesgaard (photo by mittlivplandet.blogspot.it)

Nightlife by Karl Grandin

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