When 'minimal' beats 'have it all': rethinking bedroom décor

When you're deciding how to style up your bedroom, it's easy to feel bombarded by images of cosy, cushion-strewn caves with too much clutter and not enough light. While I'm all for creating a space that feels homely and comfortable, I'd like to question whether you really need all the trimmings of "traditional" bedroom décor to get this sense of homeliness. Can't a more minimalistic approach feel just as welcoming? It might just be the summer's heat, but I want to find out…

Come with me on a (hopefully!) inspirational journey to find out which stuffy interior design features to swap out for lighter, airier and much more modern options.  

1)      The flooring
It's carpet all the way in the bedroom, right? I think it's time to reconsider! I know it feels good to step down on to soft fabric first thing in the morning, but you could get that from a well-placed rug, and it'd be much easier to keep clean. That's not to mention how handy it would be to easily and inexpensively change it each time you fancied a change of décor! Laminate flooring could be the more minimalistic solution; you can get wood-appearance versions to avoid that kitchen look, and imagine how easy it would be to keep clean, compared to the hair, dirt and dust-trap that is carpet. Light-coloured flooring is best for a fresh, airy feel. 

2)      The fabrics
As houzz points out, minimalist beds can sometimes look a bit "stark". No one wants a bedroom modelled on a hospital ward, so I'd be happy to put their suggestions on how to "cosy them up" into practice. One of my favourite suggestions from the décor inspiration site involves picking the lowest bed you can find - even opting for a simple mattress on the floor job if you fancy - to give just the right laid-back look that’s perfect for "curling up and lounging".  Another tip is really simple but effective: warm up crisp white sheets with a burst of colour (theirs comes from the bed's frame) to stop things looking too sterile. I'd add one or two bright cushions to the bed, too, in block colours to maintain the unfussy look.

3)      The lighting
Coloured lamps, thick curtains and elaborate light fittings are all very well when its freezing cold and you'd pretty much like to live in a cocoon, but what about those hot summer nights? A window lightly dressed in white semi-sheer drapes and sleek, simple lighting solutions seem much more appealing - and the natural light makes it a lot easier to do your makeup right, too! I'm inspired by simple, paper-style lamps like the ones here, and love the overall aesthetic of the room in this picture: oh to have French windows and such a clutter-free bedroom!
photos via elledecor and homedecorobsession 

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