Current design obsession: Eames chairs

I simply adore the Eames chairs and they are no where to be found in my country. Maybe I didn't look enough, but still. My future house will be packed with them... Or my future office, future office isn't that far away.

Went to brunch with my friend and fellow blogger Sinziana from Project Fairytale a couple of days ago, and the restaurant had Eames chairs on the terrace. "Ohh, look, they have those chair you love" were her exact words. Awesome design & great food. 
My point is that they are really versatile and work with everything. From dinning rooms, offices, libraries, sometimes bedrooms to cafes & co. Pity I didn't ask the waiter if he knew where they bought them from.
I found a couple of Eames chairs at Lakeland furniture, good to know in the future.

ps: the spot I was talking about is Anturaj

photos via 1/ 2/ pinterest

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